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I'm Brooke - I Teach Healthcare Professionals How To Launch, Grow and Automate An Online Business So You Can Ditch The Burnout & Create A Life Of Freedom.

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The Top Benefits Of A Side Hustle

Have you heard this?

You know the age-old phrase of “never put all your eggs in one basket”, right?  Well, the past couple years has shown that statement to be one of the truest statements in history, especially when it comes to the benefits of a side hustle.  

With the majority of employees lacking passion for their jobs, what if there were a way to feel like you never had to ‘work’ another day in your life?

If we haven’t met before, I’m Brooke Amber, and I Teach Healthcare Professionals How To Launch, Grow, and Automate A Business Online So You Can Ditch The Burnout and  Create A Life Of Freedom. 

Today I’m going to share with you 5 Reasons Why EVERYONE needs a Side Hustle!

Side hustles are usually born out of purpose and passion…something we should be getting from our day jobs, right?

There are many benefits to side hustles besides money. And for many, that Side Hustle can turn into a full time income.

Benefit #1: Financial Security

For most people in the world, their income comes from that “9-5” corporate job.  Nothing wrong with that as you can certainly be successful in that type of job. 

However, the unknowns in job security and the economy should make you feel a little uneasy inside.

Who would have thought our world would experience a pandemic that caused unemployment to skyrocket like it did the past couple years? 

People lost their livelihood and their income went from fab to drab overnight or over months. 

So many were not prepared for their businesses to go under or to be laid off. 

Having a side hustle (or two) really helps soften the blow when pandemics creep across the globe LOL! In addition to that, here are some other benefits:

  • No need to dip into your emergency fund
  • You won’t have to pull out those nasty credit cards
  • It will leave you with an overwhelming sense of security

Benefit #2: It Can Increase Your Happiness

Now, don’t mistake happiness with contentment because God’s word tells us that godliness with contentment is great gain. 

Ultimately your happiness should lie in Christ and Who He is…but that doesn’t mean that your overall happiness isn’t important to God and to your family.  

Did you know that 7% of Americans Lack Passion For their Jobs? Yet we spend about 90,000 hours of our life at our place of work.

Lack of enthusiasm leads to burnout, depression, and even broken marriages…

According to the American Psychological Association, 65% of Americans Cited Work as a significant source of stress.  And one of the top complaints was a sense of powerlessness on the job. 

One of my favorite benefits of a side hustle is that it gives you the opportunity to gain back some of that loss of control. YOU decide what, when, and HOW you want to do something, having a profound effect on your overall well being and happiness.

It’s been scientifically shown that being able to call the shots directly correlates to pleasure.

Are you surprised that when you are happier, you are actually MORE successful on the job? 

It may sound backwards to take on MORE work with a side hustle to relieve the STRESS of work but the relationship between the two is mutual.

They feed each other, giving greater odds for happiness and purpose.

Benefits of a side hustle

Benefit #3: Accelerating Your Path To Financial Freedom & Independence

Now, there are several ways to do this and having multiple streams of income is one of the best ways. However you know I love to give you a free resource to help you on your journey so today i want to give you my Ultimate Side Hustle Idea Guide. If you want a COMPLETE list of 30 Side Hustle Ideas to help you get started, check out the button below my video.

The jobs inside this guide might not ALL be as profitable as your full-time job, but they are a great addition. They would help any person pay off their debts faster, save more for retirement, put their kids through college, or pay cash for that dream vacation you’ve always wanted.

It really boils down to what income method works best for you and your schedule and what your skill set is.

Benefit #4:  A Side Hustle Helps Diversify Your Skillset

These skills could save you in a time of need. I’d like to share a story of a man who was laid off at the age of 50 after giving his entire life to his employer.  While many would have found themselves in a dire situation, not this man.  You see, a few years before being laid off, he had started a side hustle of his own.  But once he was laid off, his side hustle became his bread and butter.

Benefit #5:  More Success In the Long Run

It’s been shown in studies of 5000 entrepreneurs, that those who started a business without having a full time job vs those who started a business WHILE having a full-time job,  were 33% more successful with their business ventures.

Another benefit of a side hustle is that it gives you the opportunity to have a “try before you buy”. This way you can test your business idea before deciding to go all in.  You get to tiptoe into the world of possibilities where anything is attainable. 

If you are ready to get started, here are some fast tips to consider:

  • Start with something you love…you are more likely to make time for it.
  • Talk about your side hustle as if your success  is inevitable…silence the skeptics 
  • Put a fair value on the service or product you are offering. When you believe in it, others will too.
  • If you found value in this, smash the like button and please share it with a friend. Leave me a comment below.

If you found value in this, smash the like button and please share it with a friend. Leave me a comment below. Don’t forget to download your free Side Hustle Idea Guide below!

‘Til next time….hustle until your haters ask if you’re hiring!

Recommended Resources and Links

Episode 2 – Is God Calling Me To Start A Business?

Watch the Episode HERE

Brooke Amber’s Kit

In case you are nosy like me and want to know some of my favorite things, I’m happy to share my personal business tools and gear, my favorite go-to health, wellness and beauty products, some of my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

Check Out All My Favorite Tools + Resources HERE

Join The Work From Home Entrepreneur Community

This is a fun and powerful community of entrepreneurs who use the power of social media to create income online while also keeping Christ at the center of your business.

Join the Community HERE

When it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business, I want you to be able support your best life.

I would be honored to join hands with you on this journey. Let’s follow together God’s plan for success in your life.

You’ll find weekly business trainings on my YouTube Channel, here on the Blog, as well as on my Facebook Page (Tuesdays 8pm EST).

I hope you enjoyed this episode and you’re ready to implement these 4 business strategies to create online success. Make sure to share with us in the community!

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