Do you want to learn how to authentically attract an audience that can’t wait to buy from you?
Let me ask you something…don’t you just hate it when you are scrolling on social media and you see your friend Mary who is plastering all over her profile, hey! Color street nails just came out with their summer colors! Message me if you want them!”
Or sally who sells makes up and she posts a picture of her makeup brand with the name on it and says “this is the best foundation I’ve ever used! Let me know if you want to try it!”
What i just described to you is a very unattractive and spammy way to market yourself online.
And this is huge mistake many people make and one that I absolutely used to make myself!
If we are just meeting for the first time, my name is Brooke Amber and I teach burnt-out healthcare professionals how to launch, grow, and automate a business online so you can ditch the stress and design a life of freedom doing what you love.
You know, I’ve learned a few things since my old days of being a spammy tammy so in this training I’m sharing with you how to authentically attract an audience that wants to buy from you!
Learn How To Authentically Attract An Audience That Wants To Buy From You
How To Attract An Audience Tip #1:
Lead With Value
People don’t go to social media to be sold to. Yes, people do buy but we have to be strategic about how we share our product, service or opportunity and share in a way that is not spammy.
You want to create curiosity in your posts. You can be a little more lenient in stories but even in there you need to keep some curiosity.
When you start to lead with value, the sales will naturally come!

For example, You want to avoid saying the name of your network marketing company or your products. When you plaster the name of it all over the place, your viewers have no reason to reach out to you. Why would they? You’ve already given them all the info. They can easily google it and often end up purchasing from someone else, which isn’t what we want, right?
As you lead with value, people will start to say, “Wow, she gives all this great content away for free? I can’t imagine how good her paid stuff is!” You see, leading with value develops that know, like and trust factor. People love to do business with people they know, like and trust.
You want to educate, entertain, and inform. That is what sells.
How To Attract An Audience Tip #2:
Connect with your audience emotionally

People want to know that you are human. They don’t want to think you have it together all the time.
Whats more, when they see that your kids are fighting in the background of your facebook live, or that you have your hair in a ponytail with no makeup on and you are ok with that, then that is something they can relate to.
Be vulnerable! Share your story: the good, bad and ugly. It makes it easier for them to see themselves in your shoes. Over time, this can make them want to do business with you as a customer or even BE in business with you as a partner.
How To Attract An Audience Tip #3: Make Your Profiles Pop
3 Ways To Make Your Profile Pop
Have a nice profile picture
You don’t have to hire a professional photographer or anything like that. Simply use your smartphone. Make sure you grab a good close up photo of yourself. It’s best to use the same photo on all your profiles. As a result, this will create continuity in your brand and people will know they have the right person when they come to your social site.
And for the love of pictures, please ditch the cat photos! You want your photo to be a close up one of YOU only! Not your pets or your family. Just you! And for goodness sake, please smile. I can’t tell you how many people have a picture of themselves with the most drab boring smirk. I’m thinking to myself, “Why would anyone follow this person”??
Have a quality Facebook Cover Photo

You don’t have to hire a professional photographer or anything fancy. Simply use your smartphone.
Make sure you grab a good close up photo and use the same photo on all your profiles.
This creates continuity in your brand and people will know they have the right person.
Facebook Cover Photo Ideas:
- Use a nice quote
- Have a summary of what your brand is about
- Call out who you help and how you help them
- Use a collage
- Have a call to action to join your Facebook Value Group
My favorite site to use for this is Canva. Just google the correct pixel size for a FB Cover Photo as this changes often.
Define who you help and how you help them
You can do this in the comments section of your FB, IG and TT accounts.
Think of your profile as the front porch of your business. Make it inviting.
Give people a reason to step inside and look around. This is where they start to think, “Oh, I like this place. I’m definitely coming back!”

Remember, YOU are your brand. Not your company. Not your Products. YOU. Who are you? What are YOUR values?
And as you start to brand yourself, here are some branding principles you will want to consider:
Branding Principle #1:
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
If you can’t do this, you wont grow. Learn to be vulnerable. I know it’s very scary, but you will get used to it…I promise. Step into the new version of yourself. That is, the “business owner” . This gives your audience the courage to do the same! How you show up on social will elevate your game. You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Master Your Craft
Pick one platform and get better at that platform before expanding to all these other platforms. Each platform is so different. To learn all the ins and outs of them at the same time leads to frustration and burnout. You’ll just want to quit. You want to go where your people are! If they are mostly on Tiktok, go there. If Instagram, then start there.
Learn Your Audience
Asking questions is one of the best ways to learn what your audience wants to learn more about. Using the poll feature inside the platform is great for this. As you start to show up more, you can start answering more questions. As a result, this is going to elevate you in your audience’s eyes as a person of authority even if you don’t feel like you are one.
Commitment and Consistency
This can be in the form of posting, lives, reels, stories etc. Whatever it is, have a plan. For example, I use an app called the Dream Factory. If you haven’t tried it, you definitely need to! It’s a game changer for content creation. It takes all the guesswork out of content creation for you. It gives you all the ideas you need and what to post every day.
Pick a day of the week to make your plan– Sundays are often my day to do this. Of course, you will have to choose what works best for you and your family.
I hope this was helpful to you. Don’t forget to join my free Facebook community called the Work from home entrepreneur community where I dive into deeper trainings and collaboration to help you launch, grow and automate your business!
See you next my friend!
Don’t forget to join the Work From Home Entrepreneur Community!

Recommended Resources and Links

Episode 5 – How To Find Your Talent And What You’re Meant To Do In This Life
Watch the Episode HERE

Brooke Amber’s Kit
In case you are nosy like me and want to know some of my favorite things, I’m happy to share my personal business tools and gear, my favorite go-to health, wellness and beauty products, some of my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.
Check Out All My Favorite Tools + Resources HERE

Join The Work From Home Entrepreneur Community
This is a fun and powerful community of entrepreneurs who use the power of social media to create income online while also keeping Christ at the center of your business.
Join the Community HERE

When it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business, I want you to be able support your best life.
I would be honored to join hands with you on this journey. Let’s follow together God’s plan for success in your life.
You’ll find weekly business trainings on my YouTube Channel, here on the Blog, as well as on my Facebook Page (Tuesdays 8pm EST).
I hope you enjoyed this episode and you’re ready to implement these 4 business strategies to create online success. Make sure to share with us in the community!
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Go Crush Your Week!