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I'm Brooke - I Teach Healthcare Professionals How To Launch, Grow and Automate An Online Business So You Can Ditch The Burnout & Create A Life Of Freedom.

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How To Find Your Talent And What You’re Meant To Do In This Life

How To Find Your Talent

Have you ever thought about how to find your talent and what you’re meant to do in this life? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and thought, “Man, God totally skipped over me when he was handing out gifts and talents.”?  

If you have, I’m going to stop you in your tracks right there. That, my friend, is a lie from the Devil.  

God’s word is very clear about the fact that God has given EACH and every one of us different gifts. He wants you to find your talent so you can use those fabulous gifts for HIS glory.  

If we are just meeting for the first time, my name is Brooke Amber and I teach burnt out healthcare professionals how to launch, grow, and automate a business online so you can ditch the stress and create a life of freedom doing what you love.

In this episode I’m going to share with you some simple tips on HOW you can find your talents. This way you can know for sure what you are called to do in this world.

Find Your Talent & What You’re Meant To Do In This Life

So today, I’m going to be talking about how to find the talent, gift or skill that God has given you to use in this world.

Sometimes the word “gifts” can be a little intimidating.  Many of you might think of someone like Whitney Houston who was gifted with a beautiful voice. Or Peyton Manning who obviously is very athletically talented.

Step 1: Look at ‘gifts’ in a broader way…maybe replace that word in your mind with the word “strengths”.

We all have strengths…and you probably have some that you aren’t even aware of.

The thing about strengths is that they are really an ability you have. -Iit comes very naturally to you and sometimes you don’t even realize you’re exercising that strength BECAUSE it comes so naturally to you. 

You feel strong when you exercise this strength and you can repeat it over and over again with success.  Your gift is the thing you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort. THAT is your God-given gift.  Everyone has them! And they can be used not only to further the kingdom of God, but also to create an income.

  • For example, do you have a strong sense of empathy?
  • Do you easily make people laugh or smile when you are around?
  • Do you have a knack for winning a compelling conversation with differing viewpoints?
  • Do you always have a positive outlook on life even when drab news fills your ears?
  • All of these are strengths…or gifts as many call them.

All of these are strengths…or gifts as many call them.

This begs the question…well how do i know what my strengths are?  

How To Find Your Talent

Well, you really shouldn’t have to go anywhere to discover your gifts. God gives it to you when you’re born. BUT…if you want a little extra help because you are really stumped, heres’ what you can do…

One of the easiest ways to find this out is to ask those who are closest to you.  Your Spouse, parents, siblings, your best friend, your teacher….you can ask them in person. But if that feels awkward to you, tell them you are going to send them an email with a question and you would really appreciate it if they would give you honest feedback. 

And just listen to what they say. Its that easy.

Step 2: Once you know your strengths and talents, its time to start using them as often as you can.

You don’t have to necessarily go out and search for that “perfect job” or “perfect side hustle” to showcase your newly found strengths.  

What you’ll find is that your strengths will co-exist with whatever job you have.  You will be able to use them in many situations, so dont worry about that “perfect job”.  However, some have a job that feels unfulfilling. Or perhaps you are not fully able to utilize the strength and talents God gave you. When this happens,it’s ok to do some soul-searching. 

Some people have never thought of using their gifts talents, or strengths to actually create in income.  If thats you, I want to equip you with a free resource called the Ultimate Side Hustle Idea Guide. 

It’s full of 30 Side Hustle Ideas to help you get those wheels spinning in your head. It will give you some options that can help you make  money doing something you truly love.  Simply click the yellow button on my blog and i’ll get it over to you!

So to recap, the two things you need to recognize are:

  • #1…Yes you have gifts, but maybe call them strengths instead
  • #2…Disocover them and use them whenever you can because the world NEEDS your strengths. Don’t insult God by saying that He can’t use you!  He crafted you, formed you, and gave you unique gifts that are designed to bring Him glory.

Remember, your greatest chance of success is when you start to use your strength/gifts instead of just your passion.

The problem is that we dont often pursue our gifts and strengths…instead we pursue a passion. Nothing wrong with pursuing a passion but lets face it, you might be passionate about the game of golf. 

But you also might need a few dozen golf balls when you play. And even though you are passionate about it, you’re just not gifted at it.

Lets land this plane on a favorite quote…Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you DO with it is your gift back to God.

How To Find Your Talent

In conclusion, use the gifts and talents God gave you for His glory!

Your talents, gifts, personality, and abilities are given to you for eternal purposes. God intends for you to step out and use those unique gifts as a light in this dark world.

Till next time, hustle till the haters ask you if you’re hiring!

Recommended Resources and Links

How To Find Your Talent

Episode 2 – How To Punch Fear In The Face & Be Authentically You!

Watch the Episode HERE

How To Find Your Talent

Brooke Amber’s Kit

In case you are nosy like me and want to know some of my favorite things, I’m happy to share my personal business tools and gear, my favorite go-to health, wellness and beauty products, some of my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

Check Out All My Favorite Tools + Resources HERE

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This is a fun and powerful community of entrepreneurs who use the power of social media to create income online while also keeping Christ at the center of your business.

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When it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business, I want you to be able support your best life.

I would be honored to join hands with you on this journey. Let’s follow together God’s plan for success in your life.

You’ll find weekly business trainings on my YouTube Channel, here on the Blog, as well as on my Facebook Page (Tuesdays 8pm EST).

I hope you enjoyed this episode and you’re ready to implement these 4 business strategies to create online success. Make sure to share with us in the community!

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