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I'm Brooke - I Teach Healthcare Professionals How To Launch, Grow and Automate An Online Business So You Can Ditch The Burnout & Create A Life Of Freedom.

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Is God Calling Me To Start A Business?

How do you know if you have what it takes to start a business and if God is calling you into entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is risky. It’s full of uncertainty, doubt, and confusion, but there’s still something that calls many of us out of our cubicle and into the scary startup world. But how do you know if that’s you? How do you know what it takes to be an entrepreneur?  

Discerning God’s call on your life is rarely easy! But when it comes to being an entrepreneur, there are a few good places to start.

– Brooke Amber

If we haven’t met before I’m Brooke Amber, and I Teach Healthcare Professionals How To Launch, Grow, and Automate A Business Online So You Can Ditch The Burnout and Create A Life Of Freedom.  I hope you will hang out with me and consider subscribing because I put out a new training episode and free resource for you and your business each and every week.

In this episode I’m going to share with you some questions to ask yourself and points to ponder as you consider following God’s call to start your own business. 

Should You Start Your Own Business?

Tip #1: Having a Great Idea… The Product

Do you ever look at your day job, and just think to yourself, ”I just don’t see the point”? 

If you’ve ever read the book Of Ecclesiastes in the Bible, the teacher has a keen eye for seeing everything that’s wrong with work.  He says that he hates all his toil because he has to leave it to someone else, not knowing if that someone else will be wise or a fool.

In fact, if you’ve thought of starting your own business, you may even feel the same way. 

Maybe you are thinking entrepreneurship is the answer…you know, finding work that matters and reflects your passions in life so not everything feels so meaningless.

But how do you know if this idea is “the one”?

It’s a tough question to answer. Ultimately you need to remember this: that whatever you create will eventually be left into the hands of the ones you love. So what is it that you want to leave behind?

Is the idea you’re following through on important enough to toil and labor for, even though you know someone else will eventually take over?

Something that makes entrepreneurship so glamorous is that it seems to offer you a sense of control.

  • Who wouldn’t love to be your own boss, right?
  • You have the power to set your own schedule 
  • You also get to choose who you work with…
  • And WHEN you work…

And those are real perks to this journey. But like any job, it won’t be yours forever.

So, if you’re going to take on this risk, it might help to answer these two questions:

How do you want your idea or venture to add value to the world? 

Are you willing to put it in the hands of someone else to ensure that it continues to exist?  

Definitely something to put to thought.

Should You Start Your Own Business Tip #2: Know What’s Next

In other words, what is the potential that lies within this idea?

Every entrepreneurial journey in history started with the question “what If..?”

What if…we could find a way to have light inside our homes? Now we have electricity.

What if….we could communicate faster than a letter that has to travel? Now we have phones and email.

Those are two big words for dreamers and visionaries everywhere. 

But the truth is that potential is just that…the possibility of something great happening. We are reminded that only God knows “whats next”.

You see, when you put your labor and hard work into the hands of the one who is ultimately in control, you can stop worrying about the “maybes” and just be faithful for today, giving God our “what if’s”?

Instead of building your business on the potential of tomorrow, you can build it on the foundation of faithfulness you can create today.

Should You Start Your Own Business Tip #3: Ask Yourself Who You Will Work With Next

This means you have to find your people. Your tribe. Your loyal fans!

In the book of Ecclesiastes, the teacher uses the Hebrew word, Hevel.

Translation: it means meaningless.  He implies that working for your own gain is hevel…or like grasping at smoke…which is difficult and impossible.

Maybe you think, well geez, that’s how I feel about my job…and exactly why I want out of it….

Before you go and ditch your day job, you need to ask yourself, who will I work with? 

So, as you think about the future, as you discern how God might use your entrepreneurial spirit, think about the people. 

  • Is this someone who shares your vision?
  • Who is someone that wants to talk late into the night about this same idea? 
  • Do you know anyone that has complementary skills to you?
  • Who can you help, and how can you help them?

The answers to these questions could come in the form of a client, OR in the form of a business partner.  

If being an entrepreneur is what God is calling you to do, you’ll eventually need to bring in other people.

All of these questions are worth answering as you consider following God’s call to start a business. A cord of one strand is quickly broken. Who do you want to tie yourself to?

Now you know with each episode I like to give you a free resource.  In todays episode, I want to give you my free Ultimate Side Hustle Idea Guide.  Its full of 30 Side Hustle Ideas to help you think about some ways that you could possibly start your own business. 

Should You Start Your Own Business Tip #4: Find Discernment

Man… it’s kind of been depressing so far, hasn’t it?

  • what you create will eventually fall in the hands of someone else
  • the future of your idea or business is in God’s hands and not your own
  • and your success depends a lot on the people you surround yourself with.

You know, regardless of whether you choose to start your own side hustle or not, whether you’re taking a risk, right?

The question is this: which way are you going to jump? 

What you need to remember is that you can find satisfaction in your toil. Any toil….when you first find satisfaction in God.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret….there is this lie that draws people into entrepreneurship and they think that starting their own business will give them fulfillment. 

But Here’s the truth: it won’t. You can create the most successful business in the history of mankind, but if you do it without a relationship with God, it doesn’t matter. It’s hevel—a vanishing whisper of smoke.

But when you invite God to play an active role in your life be it your day job, a side hustle or anything in between—then that’s where you will find peace.

Starting a biz or keeping your day job in and of itself will not give you satisfaction or fulfillment.  Those things only come when you have a personal relationship with Jesus. 

That’s the true peace you’re looking for. 

Start a business or don’t start a business. Whatever decision you make, know that what you’re looking for can only be found when you accept the gift of God—the daily, common grace that can be yours forever.

Until we meet again,

Hustle Till Your Haters Ask If You’re Hiring!

Recommended Resources and Links

Episode 2 – How To Punch Fear In The Face & Be Authentically You!

Watch the Episode HERE

Brooke Amber’s Kit

In case you are nosy like me and want to know some of my favorite things, I’m happy to share my personal business tools and gear, my favorite go-to health, wellness and beauty products, some of my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

Check Out All My Favorite Tools + Resources HERE

Join The Work From Home Entrepreneur Community

This is a fun and powerful community of entrepreneurs who use the power of social media to create income online while also keeping Christ at the center of your business.

Join the Community HERE

When it comes to Financial Freedom, Success, and growing an online business, I want you to be able support your best life.

I would be honored to join hands with you on this journey. Let’s follow together God’s plan for success in your life.

You’ll find weekly business trainings on my YouTube Channel, here on the Blog, as well as on my Facebook Page (Tuesdays 8pm EST).

I hope you enjoyed this episode and you’re ready to implement these 4 business strategies to create online success. Make sure to share with us in the community!

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Go Crush Your Week!

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